
Showing posts from April, 2017

Race To The Top, The Need For Science Assessment Kits

States are in varying stages of developing their NCLB science assessments. Typically, states contract with assessment companies which have a history of producing standardized, norm referenced tests, e.g., the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS), the Tera Nova, the Stanford Achievement Test (SAT-9, SAT-10). These new NCLB science tests must include either criterion-referenced assessments or augmented norm-referenced assessments, or both. The world of the standardized, multiple-choice, norm referenced test is disappearing as standards-aligned, criterion-referenced tests emerge. Because many states' science standards include science inquiry and science process skills that are difficult to assess with conventional multiple-choice questions, more and more science assessments are taking on a different format and look. To assess a student's skills, students must "perform". Performance assessment is moving us "beyond the bubble" of Scantron forms. When student

The Mandatory Requirements of Science Teaching Jobs

If you love to read science magazines, feel happy doing research on fascinating plants and animals and have a degree in science then there are several science teaching jobs available for you. Teaching science allows you to share your knowledge with others and improve your own knowledge of the subject. Science Teaching Jobs - Description Science is a subject in which one studies nature. Science teachers teach the subject to their students and help them find answers for their questions. Science education courses falls under several categories. Some of these are: botany, zoology, physics, chemistry, fire science education and investigatory courses. To teach science effectively, you have to incorporate lab experiments, field trips, mixed media resources and e-learning into the curriculum. This helps the students gain practical knowledge of the world around them. You also have to take full advantage of the science toys for kids available in your work place. If you feel that the num

Impact of New Technologies by 2030

According to the 2012 report, Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds, published the US National Intelligence Council, four technology arenas will shape global economic, social and military developments by 2030. They are information technologies, automation and manufacturing technologies, resource technologies, and health technologies. Information technologies Three technological developments with an IT focus have the power to change the way we will live, do business and protect ourselves before 2030. 1. Solutions for storage and processing large quantities of data, including "big data", will provide increased opportunities for governments and commercial organizations to "know" their customers better. The technology is here but customers may object to collection of so much data. In any event, these solutions will likely herald a coming economic boom in North America. 2. Social networking technologies help individual users to form online social networks wit

Technology and Literacy Learning Through the Eyes of Students

The age of modern day learning has arrived. It is no longer a matter of whether we want to integrate technology and education; it is a necessity. The reality poses an immense problem and threat to the longstanding educational institutions that have for the most part remained unchanged for nearly a century. Who would have imagined that the alphabet's letter "E" would forever transform the face of education to E-Ducation? Technology in education has progressed from basic tools such as the abacus, pencil, ruler, paper and calculator to computers, laptops, iPads, tablets, software and apps. The technological advancements alone are forcing the manner in which teachers teach, how students learn, the ways schools are structured and breaking the barriers between home and school life. At its core, technology is impacting the very essence of the future of humanity. Digital Natives: A Generation Dedicated to Learning with Technology The prominence and rise of technology in

You'll Never Earn Money Today Without a High School Education!

If you've dropped out of high school or are thinking of it you'll probably hear someone tell you that you'll never earn money today without a high school education. Although your education is important and can open you up to all sorts of new opportunities there is a business that you can get involved in without a high school or college degree and earn just as much money if not more than the educated crowd. Internet marketing has fast become the avenue for thousands of people to earn a part time or full time income working from their own homes. These people come from all walks of life. The highly educated with top paying careers that wanted more free time and less of the 9 to 5 grind. The stay at home mom who wanted to earn a few extra dollars. The retired senior citizen that needed to supplement his retirement income so he can enjoy his golden years and yes, the high school dropout that just couldn't stay motivated to finish his degree. There are many great things

Jobs Without High School Education - Gain Success in Todays Competitive Job Market

You know how the job market is today, just simply brutal. If you don't have a 5+ college degree, you're not going to get anything descent, that's just how it is. I had such a problem for a couple years, trying to find a job with descent working conditions and descent pay without any advanced schooling (in my case I didn't even have a high school diploma.) I'll assure you though, they do exist, but not in the job market. You need to do something a little more creative, and although initially your reaction will be 'another internet scam', don't back out of this page yet and hear me out. I'm talking about what I do for a living, and it's called ezine publishing. It's nothing fancy, the idea is very simple, and almost anyone who enjoys writing can do it. You don't need any advanced internet knowledge or anything of the sort, it's simply about writing EzineArticles. You get paid to write articles about topics that you enjoy. That could