Jobs Without High School Education - Gain Success in Todays Competitive Job Market

You know how the job market is today, just simply brutal. If you don't have a 5+ college degree, you're not going to get anything descent, that's just how it is. I had such a problem for a couple years, trying to find a job with descent working conditions and descent pay without any advanced schooling (in my case I didn't even have a high school diploma.) I'll assure you though, they do exist, but not in the job market. You need to do something a little more creative, and although initially your reaction will be 'another internet scam', don't back out of this page yet and hear me out.
I'm talking about what I do for a living, and it's called ezine publishing. It's nothing fancy, the idea is very simple, and almost anyone who enjoys writing can do it. You don't need any advanced internet knowledge or anything of the sort, it's simply about writing EzineArticles. You get paid to write articles about topics that you enjoy. That could be ANYTHING, from fishing to electronics to your coin collection or your car. Here's a few of the most commonly asked questions about this Job:
Why am I getting paid to write about my hobbies/interests?
Well, because simply traffic = money. The more views you get, the more potential you have to earn money. Basically in these articles you discuss a hobby, say fishing. At the end of the article, you just leave a brief 2 sentences explaining what your favorite fishing pole is, and where you can buy it. The link you give them is an affiliate link, if someone makes a purchase through that link, you get a commission!
Do I need any advanced HTML, coding, programming, or technical skills?
Nope! It's all based off EzineArticles, no technical skills required. Since you found this page you have enough knowledge to make an ezine article.
Is this going to cost me anything?
The actual act of writing ezinearticles is entirely free, but the only thing that will cost you a dime is the knowledge. To learn the methods described here to become an ezine publisher you're going to need proper training, which is going to cost you.
You may still be skeptical, but that's ok, just do some research! I'm positive if you look more into this, you'll realize it's a widely used completely legitimate job. In fact, it's the top 5 most used job that doesn't require a high school education.
Find out why there are over 12,000 posts in the "General Success" section of the forums on the Ezine Publishing learning center. There are literally tens of thousands that have quit there mediocre day jobs and advanced to making 80,000++ per year with article marketing.

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